Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Vote For Albania, Vote For Me

You may have noticed two icons on the right of this page; a blue and white one that says "Expat Blogs" and a turquoise and white one that says "Expat Blog Awards 2013".  By clicking either of them you enter into a vast world of expat bloggers located all around the globe.  We are of hundreds of nationalities, are located on six of the seven continents and we all write about our experiences living abroad.  The annual blog awards are a way of showcasing the best of what the international blogging world has to offer.  And although my blog has been around for over two years, this is the first time I've entered the Expat Blog Awards writing contest.  For this year's contest we were challenged to submit a top list for our country.  Submissions could be funny or serious, long, short and everything in between with the singular intent of highlighting our adopted countries.  I took one look at this and thought game on!

As our time in Albania winds down to mere days I've been reflecting back on the past thirty months since we boarded the airplane in Washington D.C. bound for the Albanian unknown.  In hindsight we were clueless about what the future held for us.  Our time in Albania hasn't always been easy but it has always been an adventure.  We've visited places I never dreamed of, had experiences that we will remember for a life time, and grown closer as a family.  We've made life long friends and seen things that just make us shake our heads.  Albania is a quirky place that grows on you and as such, I've compiled my experiences into The Top 10 Reasons You Should Visit Albania.

Now I happen to be the only blogger listed from Albania but please don't let that disuade you from what I'm about to ask next.  Please click here to access the Expat Blog Awards 2013 entry page.  Because the entries are listed alphabetically, I'm the first one!  In order to accumulate votes I need you to read my entry then leave a comment of 10 words or more. If you feel so inspired you can like or share the entry on Facebook or Twitter to help me garner even more votes.   Time is short so please vote by December 20th and then look for my actual entry on this blog in the near future.  Because pesky spammers are the bane of a bloggers existence, all comments will be verified so if this the first time you are commenting on an Expats Blog blog, please check your inbox.  And while you are visiting the contest page, check out some of the other entries.  There really is an amazing world out there and bloggers are capturing all of it.

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